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Talks with Soham & Omphale


Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Dear Natives,

We are here to celebrate a Cosmic Event of Divine Magnitude. The Sun and Venus entered the sign of Libra together with a Full Moon. The Sun is symbolic of Spirit, Venus is symbolic of Love and the Full Moon symbolizes the Fullness of Souls.

After 13,000 years of orbit between the Sun and the Earth, the planet Venus finished drawing the figure of a Lotus through its trajectory. This Five-petaled Flower symbolizes the arrival of FIVE HUMAN VALUES.

BLESSINGS for all, come with the Great Trine of Intelligence. Saturn, the ruler of Karmas, is barely two weeks away from completing its extended quarter with Uranus in the Aquarius sign.

Things that have been stagnant will start up again after November 24, as Pluto is set on a Direct path. There will be some shocking events, numerous threats and Siren songs. In addition, the Earth will tremble due to opposition (reflecting the Sun’s opposition to Jupiter).

The arrival of Venus with the Sun in the sign of Libra is called the VENUS STAR POINT. Love has arrived in your PALACE. It is a COSMIC EVENT that announces the arrival of the Light of INNER BEING.

The World continues to carry the idea of fear and destruction. Devoted Humanity stands with Faith and Trust in the God of Love. We are all Astro Zodiacal Natives, which guarantees that we can all EMBRACE each other as HUMANITY.

COVID-19 came as prophesied. Suddenly with the nodes in Cancer-Capricorn, we had to isolate ourselves. Then with the nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius, new ways of life emerged. At last, we try to return to our former lives.

The Astros reveal to us why these events occur and how they combine with eclipses and astrological movements to influence each Native. What is certain is that we are here, thanks to God, celebrating this beautiful Cosmic Moment.

Saturn reigns over the temporary structures and has Rings because one of its Moons got too close and its gravitational pull disintegrated it into dust. Saturn is a great regulator and its rings are the Devourer and Castrator.

In the month of September, we have been able to see all the Astros Retrograding (which seldom happens), including Saturn, the ruler of Karma. This was the month of unfolding events, September and October the months of culminating importanat Ancestral events, while 2022 is the year of Final trials

For the last three years Humanity has been castrated by Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. The World shows its depravity (Decay), but Humanity grows strong (Exalts) and looks inward (to Inner Being).The Castration of Saturn over Uranus is the deepest learning of the myth.

The Evolutionary Leap belongs to Uranus, but not before Meeting Chiron. Uranus in the Taurus Sign Until 2026

The Surprise Astrological

The Unexpected

The Lightning Bolt

That comes from the Heavens

Uranus is in movement for 84 years and lasts 7 years in each sign. Its last visit to the Sign of Taurus was believed to be in 1934. He is the expert of the Septenaries.

Venus Star Point is the Pentagram

The Morning and Evening Star

" Soul Over Matter "

All the original Tree of Life is synthesized in

The Love Of Venus.

This is the exact alignment of the Sun and Venus in the Sign of Libra, where Saturn (Time) is uniquely exalted. At the cusp of the Pentagram, the star of the Five Human Values is introduced to the entire humanity. From the 8th to the 22 of October Venus Start Point Returns.

The Venus Star Point is the Sacred combination of the Sun and Venus (The Victory of Beauty), which vibrates every 9 months on Earth, but this time sealing the summit of the Star. This Sacred unification IMPACTS 5 Zodiac signs, but the alignment of the Sun and Venus in the sign that determines the horizon which is LIBRA completes the last 143 years in a cardinal cross.

This is the Micro-cycle of the sign of Libra with a trajectory of 143 years. On October 22, 2022, the superior unification occured when the Crown Venus entered her Palace, after playing 130,000 years with the Sun and the Earth. She forms the figure of a 5-petaled Flower.

The Sign of Libra is Defining

The Definition of the Horizon

/ Alliances | Partners \ Supreme Accounts

Nations and their Economic Conflicts are heading towards synthesis from 2022 to 2026.

Venus disappeared behind the Sun for 9 days. As part of her gestation, there was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio . From October 22 to November 6, the Virgin *Virgo* Conceived Love of Venus. On the 22, Venus reached her Star Point.

Venus in the Superlative Venus in the Mundane.

Is Supreme Love She rules the feelings of Love and Pleasure,

That comes from above as well as Desire, Possession

and an interest in Money.

Depending on your Vibrational Center,

you will kindle the Sector you are drawn to.

What is certain is that the Time has come to Seize the Potential of

the Love Energy of God,

which is for Everyone.

Thank you very much,

Love and Light.



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